Constitution and Temperament, Adapted to aged people of lax fibre, dropsy or paralysis: Kali-c.
Constitution and Temperament, Adapted to diseases of old people, worn out constitutions, especially of inebriates: Eup-per.
Constitution and Temperament, Adapted to women with dark hair, rigid fiber, but mild and easy disposition, particularly during pregnancy, child-bed or while nursing: Sep.
Constitution and Temperament, Arthritic and rheumatic affections, particularly with urinary complications: Berb Vul.
Constitution and Temperament, Broken down constitutions from syphilis and Mercury: Aur.
Constitution and Temperament, Children, self-willed, inclined to grow very fat; adapted to scrofulous, weakly, and debilitated constitutions, with yellow complexions; psoric: Calc.
Constitution and Temperament, Dark haired persons with rigid fiber, psoric constitutions, suffering from long ago suppressions of skin diseases: Caust.
Constitution and Temperament, Debauchers who are think and irritable: Nux-v.
Constitution and Temperament, Delicate women who must always have a smelling bottle at hand: Am-c.
Constitution and Temperament, Dry, thin, withered subjects and in old people, infancy (constipation), puberty (chlorosis): Alum.
Constitution and Temperament, Especially applicable to plethoric persons, sanguine, with tendency to congestions to head, heart or chest, dark hair, rigid fibre: Acon.
Constitution and Temperament, Especially suitable for old people, dwarfs, scrofulous children, especially those who have swelling and inflammations, acute or chronic, from the least cold: Bar-c.
Constitution and Temperament, Especially suitable to children with worm affections: Cina
Constitution and Temperament, Especially suitable to nervous hysterical females, of a mild but easily excited nature; also, nervous children: Ign.
Constitution and Temperament, Especially useful in fat, light haired persons, fat chubby children: Kali-bi.
Constitution and Temperament, Fiery, excited temperament, thin, irritable, choleric persons, with dark hair, and those who have made prolonged mental exertions, or those of sedentary habits: Nux-v.
Constitution and Temperament, For lean, stoop-shouldered persons who walk and sit stooped; walk stooping like old men: Sulph.
Constitution and Temperament, Growing too fat and thick, with young persons: Calc.
Constitution and Temperament, Hemorrhagic diathesis: Phos.
Constitution and Temperament, Hemorrhagic diathesis; blood flows from eyes, ears, nose and every orifice of the body; bloody sweat: Crot-h.
Constitution and Temperament, Hydrogenoid constitution; always worse in wet weather: Nat-s.
Constitution and Temperament, Hypersensitiveness, particularly of those in whom the nervous system predominates; hysterical women: Asaf.
Constitution and Temperament, In 'old sinners' who have frequently had clap and are impotent: Agn.
Constitution and Temperament, In anemic subjects, brain exhaustion; not able to develop; exanthema: Zinc.
Constitution and Temperament, In children and young people who grow too fast: Ph-ac.
Constitution and Temperament, In old people with indolent circulation, or drunkards, especially of their headaches: Agar.
Constitution and Temperament, In persons who, though weak and nervous, have a fiery red face, or the pale face flushes easily; chlorotic women: Ferr.
Constitution and Temperament, In persons whose vital powers are low, from bad effects of exhausting diseases; who have never fully recovered since; venous system predominant: Carb-v.
Constitution and Temperament, In plethoric lymphatic constitutions, who are jovial and happy when well, but violent when sick: Bell.
Constitution and Temperament, In rheumatic, neuralgic, choreic, and other affections of hysterical females; from irritation of the generative organs: Cimic.
Constitution and Temperament, Inclined to unhealthy corpulence, with sometimes deformed nails, and eruptions on the skin exuding a thick, glutinous fluid: Graph.
Constitution and Temperament, Lean persons of rigid fiber, dark swarthy complexion, dark hair and eyes: Nit-ac.
Constitution and Temperament, Leucophlegmatic temperament: Calc.
Constitution and Temperament, Light hair, lax fibre, fleshy, fat, croupy tendency: Spong.
Constitution and Temperament, Over-sensitive; imperfectly nourished, not from want of food taken, but from imperfect assimilation: Sil.
Constitution and Temperament, Persons of keen intellect, but feeble muscular development; upper part of body wasted, lower part semi-dropsical: Lyc.
Constitution and Temperament, Persons suffering from chronic disease who take cold easily, and are disposed to diarrhea: Nit-ac.
Constitution and Temperament, Psoric constitutions, especially when other remedies fail to permanently improve; lack of reaction: Psor.
Constitution and Temperament, Sandy hair, blue eyes, pale face, inclined to shedding of tears: Puls.
Constitution and Temperament, Scrofulous children, large bellies and weak ankles, and much sweat about the head: Sil.
Constitution and Temperament, Scrofulous diathesis; dark hair and eyes; low cachetic condition, with profound debility and great emaciation: Iod.
Constitution and Temperament, Scrofulous patients, especially if syphilis or mercurialization is super-added: Kali-i.
Constitution and Temperament, Scrofulous, tubercular and rachitic subjects, inclined to be fat: Calc.
Constitution and Temperament, Suitable for aged persons, anemic, rather obese, with lax fibre: Kali-c.
Constitution and Temperament, Suitable for old men, old maids, women with tight, rigid fiber; scrofulous and cancerous people; children prematurely old: Con.
Constitution and Temperament, Tall, slender, slim women, fair skin, blonde: Phos.
Constitution and Temperament, The leading anti-psoric: Sulph.
Constitution and Temperament, The leading anti-sycotic: Thuj.
Constitution and Temperament, The leading anti-syphilitic: Merc.
Constitution and Temperament, We think of this remedy on seeing a withered, dried-up person made so by disease: Arg-n.
Constitution and Temperament, With very particular, careful, zealous persons inclined to get excited and angry, or of a spiteful, malicious disposition: Nux-v.
Constitution and Temperament, Women at climacteric, hemorrhoids, hemorrhages, hot flushes, burning vertex, headaches, especially after cessation of the flow: Lach.
Constitution and Temperament, Women of thin, scrawny, feeble, cachectic appearance, lax muscular fiber, everything seems loose and open, vessels flabby, passive hemorrhages: Sec.
Treatment of Autism with Homeopathy
Evaluation and Case History
Six children with confirmed diagnosis of autism attending a special school were chosen for the study. Four of them were categorized as high functioning autism and two were categorized as low functioning autism with associated mental retardation. Out of these six children, three were verbal and three were non-verbal. Since the children could not communicate, the symptoms were recorded on the basis of information given by parents, and observations by teachers and the homeopathic physician. The following table (Table 1) summarizes the key symptoms from the case histories of the children as elicited in the homeopathic format.
TABLE 1: Case Summaries of the Children Elicited in the Homeopathic Format
Evaluation before treatment
The children were evaluated on the Autism Behavior Composite Checklist and Profile (ABCCP). The ABCCP is an inventory of interfering behaviors associated with the syndrome of autism. This instrument may be used to screen for and support the diagnosis of autism and also to assess changes in behavior and communication. They can be used to follow a child’s behavioral changes over a period of time to denote progress or regression. Reproduced below in Table 2 is the adapted concise version of the ABCCP assessment before treatment (Pre-Treatment) with the corresponding entries for the frequency of occurrence of the behaviors also in other areas.
TABLE 2: ABCCP: Pre-Treatment
f: frequent – behavior occurs 70-100% of the time, i: intermittent – behavior occurs 30-70% of the time, s: seldom – behavior occurs less-than 30% of the time, n: not applicable, a: absent, *Mode of communication: g: gesture, s: speech
Summary of Pre-Treatment Assessment
It can be seen from the above table that a majority of children have moderate to severe behavior problems. They all have difficulties in speech, language and communication skills. Apart from this even the children who were verbal were not able to use speech to initiate communication or indicate their needs. On an average the children had received at least 1-2 years of remedial teaching in a special school setting.
Homeopathic Treatment
Homeopathic remedies were administered after finding the proper similimum for each particular case. The details of administration of the remedy, period of repetition, remedies used and so forth for each child are listed below. The remedies were repeated in low to medium potencies for 15 days to 1 month or even for 2 to3 months based on the response. This frequent repetition was based on homoeopathic principles, where the same remedy is repeated till improvement ceases or the symptom picture changes to reveal a different layer that calls for a different remedy based on the current symptom picture. The specific details of remedies used for each child are as given below. Only a few important remedies that helped cause major improvements have been mentioned in each case. The potency used was 200 in most cases, unless where it had to be given only in higher potencies, like Tuberculinum, that is given in 1M potency and repeated only once a week. Sometimes, 30-potency was used, after the 200-potency, as some remedies work best in some particular potency.
Case 1: A, Male, 3.5 years
Case 2: H, Male, 12 years
Case 3: Sh, Male, 4.5 years
Case 4: Sd, Male, 7 years
Case 5: Vl, Male, 9 years
Case 6: Vd, Female, 4years
Post Treatment Assessment
Post-treatment assessments were again evaluated using the ABCCP. Table 3 shows the summary of items of the ABCCP with the corresponding entries for the frequency of occurrence of the behaviors. The post treatment assessments were done after at least 6 months of treatment. During homeopathic treatment the children continued with the remedial education.
Table 3: ABCCP: Post-Treatment
f - frequent-behavior occurs 70-100% of the time, i - intermittent-behavior occurs 30-70% of the time, s - seldom-behavior occurs less-than 30% of the time, n - not applicable, a – absent, *Mode of communication: g: gesture, s: speech